General Assembly

The General Assembly is the main decision-making body of EUROBAT and meets once a year alongside the EUROBAT Forum. 

All members (Regular, System Integrator and Associate) may attend the General Assembly. However, only Regular members have full voting rights. Associate members may table motions, but may only vote on the determination of Associate Members’ yearly contributions.

The General Assembly decides on all matters concerning the internal organisation of the Association, the financial obligations of the Members towards the Association, and the incurred liabilities towards third parties, which are not delegated to other organs.


In particular, the General Assembly may take decisions relating to:

  • amending the Articles of Association,
  • electing, removing and discharging the Board as a body or the individual members thereof,
  • establishing by-laws for the election and composition of the Board and the Committees,
  • electing the Secretariat,
  • approving the annual accounts as well as budget,
  • admitting and excluding Members, and
  • dissolving the Association.
EUROBAT Structure