EUROBAT Board given renewed 2-year mandate to oversee industry response to Batteries Regulation
Renews also President, appoints 2 Vice-Presidents and accepts new member applications
The Board and President of EUROBAT – the association of European Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers – have been granted a renewed 2-year mandate to govern the association, covering the critical period in which the Batteries Regulation and other key legislation for the battery industry will be established.
The Board was re-elected at the General Assembly on 17 June and Hoppecke CEO Dr Marc Zoellner was reconfirmed as EUROBAT President by the Board on 7 July.
He will be supported by Vice-Presidents Filippo Girardi, CEO of MIDAC, and Franck Cecchi, E.V.P. Industrial Standby of Saft Batteries.
EUROBAT President Marc Zoellner said:
“I’m honored to be re-elected as President of EUROBAT and am pleased to serve another term. I believe it was very important to keep the current team “on board”. The past few years have been very challenging because of COVID-19, which has also had a considerable impact on the battery industry.
“But more importantly, the Batteries Regulation, which is the most important piece of legislation from the past 15 years, will define our industry for decades to come. Therefore, I believe it is crucial to continue the current EUROBAT Board, ensuring the chosen strategy will be further executed.”
At the General Assembly, the EUROBAT members received an overview of the main achievements of the past year, covering activities of the Technical, Environment – Health and Safety and External Communications Task Forces, and looked ahead to the priorities of the next year.
In terms of Research and Innovation, the innovation potential of all battery chemistries will be emphasised more than ever. Advocacy efforts will focus on the EU legislative landscape, where the Batteries Regulation is the central dossier on the table.
Finally, External Communications will support both Task Forces with relevant tools and Material Stewardship will be one of the key projects in the years to come.
EUROBAT was also pleased to welcome two new Associate Members at the General Assembly:
- Comet Group produces innovative high-tech components and systems based on x-ray and radio frequency (Switzerland)
- Ahlstrom-Munksjö is one of the world's leading players in sustainable and innovative fibre-based solutions (Finland)
Full details of the EUROBAT Board are available here.
+32 2 761 1604 / +32 471 58 13 14
EUROBAT is the association for the European manufacturers automotive, industrial and energy storage batteries. EUROBAT has more than 50 members from across the continent and from the whole supply chain comprising more than 90% of the automotive and industrial battery industry in Europe. The members and staff work with all stakeholders, such as battery users, governmental organisations and media, to develop new battery solutions in areas of hybrid and electro-mobility as well as grid flexibility and renewable energy storage.