Recycling efficiency and material recovery rates calculation methodology
This position paper proposes several improvements to the draft delegated act laying the methodology to calculate recycling efficiencies and material recovery rates under the Batteries Regulation.
Specifically, EUROBAT urges the Commission to make sure that compounds that are the product of dismantling, for example copper cables, printed circuit boards and aluminum casings, are properly accounted for in the input fractions. Secondly, the unnecessary requirements to report materials by geography should be dropped: the obligation to track waste streams by country of origin goes beyond the requirements of the Regulation and would not be applicable in practice. Besides, we thank the Commission for establishing a negative list of six substances (e.g., carbon sources at cell level, phosphorus, chlorine) that recyclers may take out of the recycling efficiency formula, at their discretion. However, this clause should be given more visibility by being integrated directly in the definition of inputs and outputs in section 1 of the Annex.